Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Another great year for our PISD District Librarians!  Take a look at the vast inventory of resources our librarians manage and their impact on our faculties and the education of our students.  Well done, my fellow librarians.  It has been an honor to come back and work with you these past four years.  I'm looking forward to the great things you will continue to accomplish in the days and years to come.   

3 High SchoolsBOOKS:
     Connally HS (students) - 1 librarian     Ave. Publication Date:  1998
     Hendrickson HS (students) - 1 librarian     Total Book Value:$10,222,458.98
     Pflugerville HS (students) - 1 librarian
5 Middle Schools
     Dessau MS (studetns) - 1 librarianEQUIPMENT:3,768 pieces
     Kelly Lane MS (students) - 1 librarian
     Park Crest MS (students) - 1 librarianMAGAZINES/NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTIONS:399
     Pflugerville MS (students) - 1 librarian
     Westview MS (students) - 1 librarianONLINE SUBSCRIPTIONS:
     Purchased by District:
18 Elementary Schools         Ebsco181,134 searches
     Brookhollow ES (students) - 1 librarian        World Book66,597 searches
     Caldwell ES (students) - 1 librarian     Purchased by Campuses: 
     Copperfield ES (students) - 1 librarian          PebbleGo (1 ES campus)4,534 searches
     Delco Primary (students) - 1 librarian          Gale Databases (HS campuses only)
     Dessau ES (students) - 1 librarian          SIRS (HS campuses only)66,668 searches
     Highland Park ES (students) - 1 librarian
     Murchison ES (students) - 1 librarianBOOKS LOST:804
     Northwest ES (students) - 1 librarianBOOKS WEEDED/DISCARDED:10,195
     Parmer Lane ES (students) - 1 librarian
     Pflugerville ES (students) - 1 librarianCIRCULATION, YEAR:944,767
     Riojas ES (students) - 1 librarianAVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION:5,398.70
     River Oaks ES (students) - 1 librarian
     Rowe Lane ES (students) - 1 librarianSCHOOL DAYS:  175
     Springhill ES (students) - 1 librarian     Ave. days closed for admin. (STAAR, mtgs., etc.): 14
     Timmerman ES (students) - 1 librarian     Ave. days closed for library (book fair, etc.):10
     Wieland ES (students) - 1 librarian     TOTAL AVERAGE DAYS LIBRARY CLOSED:13
     Windermere ES (students) - 1 librarian
     Windermere Primary (students) - 1 librarianTEACHER/LIBRARIAN COLLABORATIONS:1,175

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

January 4 - March 21

14 campuses reporting


Classes served:
2302 classes
Students served:
86,932 individual students
Community members served:
5,348 parents, community members, district personnel
Teacher collaborations;
303 librarian/teacher collaboration
Items circulated:
386,277 items
# of days library closed:
57.5 days including STAAR, PFLEX, staff development,  librarian absence

Book Fairs:
Book Clubs:
Special Activities:
28 including Black History, Family Literacy Nights, Community All-Read, TX. Bluebonnet Book voting Seussabration, etc.
Guest Speakers:
14 including authors, performers, weathermen, district personnel, community helpers,


Elementary Librarians:

Our elementary librarians spend a portion of their day teaching our Pflex students . Our GT students have been busy completing their individual Texas Performance Standards Projects.  To help facilitate their work, the librarians have taught them the Big 6 skills of research, including writing good questions, databases, website evaluation, note taking, citing sources, and self-evaluation of their work. 

The elementary librarians have also collaborated with the classroom teachers to teach and enrich the curriculum lessons on rhyming words, idioms, inferencing, sequencing, context clues, and writing good questions. As the information literacy specialist on each campus, the librarians have taken the lead to teach all students the Big 6 research skills of  writing good questions, choosing the best resources, using databases, evaluating web sites, note taking, citing sources, and self-evaluation. The librarians have also prepared lessons teaching the difference between fiction and nonfiction books, biographies and autobiographies.

Working alongside the classroom teachers, the librarians have enriched classroom research by showing our students the wealth of information in our databases, including World Book, Ebsco's Searchasaurus, and on some campuses, Pebble Go.

Boys Book Club at CWES

Seussabration at CWES
R. Balusek, Librarian

 Special activities also took place in all our elementary libraries to commemorate the Chinese New Year, Black History Month, Presidents' Day, Women's History Month, voting for the Texas Bluebonnet Award, and Seussabration, celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday.  Book Clubs are very popular on all our campuses and Caldwell Elementary had Boy's and Girl's Book Clubs with special guests. 

Mr. Dupre reading to children at CWES

Girl's Book Club at CWES

Many of our elementary librarians are involved in leadership positons on their campus and in the district.  The elementary librarians are responsible for the campus video morning announcements and many are responsible for the Geo Bee and the Accelerated Reading programs on their campuses, as well as on the campus CAAC.

Our elementary librarians are always striving to improve their knowledge and skills and several attended the TCEA conference in February, including for the first time,a three-day Librarian's Academy, highlighting the partnership of technology and librarianship.

Secondary Librarians:

 As the information literacy specialists on our campuses our secondary librarians are working hard to teach our students the ethical use of information.  They know how easy it is now for our students to "cut and paste" their research so they have taken the lead in teaching note-taking to comply with copyright law and prevent plagiarism.  Along with that, they are experts in teaching our students how to question every website to determine its authenticity, author's credentials, currency, detail, bias, and the links to and from the website.

Teen Dating Violence Display at WVMS

Our middle and high school librarians brought attention to the issues surrounding Teen Dating Violence Week by creating displays and bringing attention to helpful books available in our libraries. 

Teen Dating Violence Display at HHS


Our middle school librarians have taught the in-depth skills of creating Holds on books and writing and posting reviews on our online catalog.  Along with the high school librarians they have taught the students how to create book trailers using Animoto and presentations using Prezi.

And not to be outdone by our elementary librarians, our secondary librarians are also represented on campus and district committees, including the District Insurance Committee and the Budget and Compensation Committee.   One of our librarians even heads the Step Team and Hospitality Committee on her campus. 

Come visit our PISD libraries and see the fantastic things our librarians are doing with our students.  I guarantee you'll want to be a kid again at one of our schools.

Monday, January 30, 2012

PISD District Libraries by the Numbers, 2011-2012

SECOND NINE WEEKS- October 20 - December 16

 13 schools reporting

Classes:                                                                  304 classes
Students served:                                                41,432 students
Community members served:                                  772 community members
Teacher collaborations:                                           440 teacher collaborations
Technology integrations:                                          271 technology integrations
Items circulated (all libraries reporting):             215,213 items circulated

Book Fairs:                                                                 8 Book Fairs
Book Clubs:                                                              14 Book Clubs
Special Activities:                                                      18 Special Activities
Guest Speakers:                                                          8 Guest Speakers

All of our librarians are about sharing the love of stories through books, but also teaching the bundles with our classroom teachers.  Our Primary librarians have been busy introducing fairy tales, map skills and community helpers through their library collections.

Our Elementary librarians have been busy teaching the Super 3 and Big 6 research skills of learning how to ask questions, find answers, take noes, and report findings.  Along with research skills they have taught encyclopedia and dictionary skills.  They have advanced our students' literacy awareness of poetry and folktales and paired fiction and non-fiction books to further our students' knowledge on important topics.  They daily motivate our students to read through the award books on the Mockingbird and Bluebonnet reading lists through storytelling and book talks.  They have collected countless carts of books for use in our classrooms on topics, such as World War II, the seasons, holidays, biographies, etc. 

DMS Students
All our elementary librarians have taken the lead teaching our Gifted and Talented students. They have taken on this extra duty and are doing an excellent job, but their respective library programs are taking a hit.  Since our librarians have no assistance in their libraries, the libraries are closed during the G/T time, some libraries are closed up to 6 hours per week. This has really cut into library programs. Combining this with lesson preparation and additional duties, such as lunch duty, the invisible duties of the librarian are not getting done, such as collection development, mending books, cataloging new books, weeding worn or outdated books, shelving books on a timely basis, etc.

Our librarians teach the information literacy skills that are so essential in today's computer research. Our elementary librarians have introduced the online databases of World Book Online, Ebsco, and PebbleGo and how to find safe, authoritative websites on Nettrekker. They have taught the internet searching technique of keyword searching to help students get better results when searching the internet.

Book character fun at WVMS

Our secondary librarians show our students how the library is a treasure chest of information that is free to them throughout their lives, not only in school but as adults.  They have shown them how to use the online catalog to their advantage, accessing categories, lists, and writing recommendations for purchase.  They have taught the Big 6 research process to eighth graders this nine weeks and have worked alongside the ELA teachers students along the research process. The librarians are constantly motivating students to read good books through book talking and book trailers of the Lone Star and Tayshas award book lists.  Our middle school librarians created some fun for our students by having having them create favorite book characters from pumpkins.

WVMS Book Fair

Every librarian is a leader on her campus. Many are the administrators of the Accelerated Reading program,  the creators of the campus video announcements, active members of the DAAC and/or CAAC committees, members of the Technology and Literacy committees. Our librarians are continually learning

Adding to this our librarians have planned and hosted Literacy and Family Nights, FlashMob events, Book clubs, author visits, special speakers- Mr. Dupre talking about bullying, and several Veteran's Day speakers.

And what would we do with our libraries? Just look what our libraries are also being used for: Special teachers- interventionists, RTI, tutoring; testing; staff meetings;  Book Fairs; PTO meetings, community meetings; Math Pentathalon; author visits; Pflex; PALS; luncheons, etc., etc. Our libraries are in constant use.